The beneficiaries are citizens of the Republic of Slovenia residing in Slovenia and foreigners with permanent residence permit and permanent residence in the Republic of Slovenia, who:
- are eligible for social assistance benefit in cash and
- are not insured on another basis provided by the Act governing health insurance.
You are only entitled to have the difference to the full value of healthcare services covered for the period you are, or could be, awarded the social assistance benefit in cash (the first time for up to three months).
The Social Work Centre decides on the right ex officio when an application for social assistance benefit in cash is submitted except if you expressly state in your application that you do not wish to exercise this right. The SWC informs the Health Insurance Institute of Slovenia and the insurance company where the person has voluntary health insurance of the right having been granted.
The right to have the difference to the full value of healthcare services covered is awarded in the month following the submission of the application. For example, if you lodged the application in January, you are awarded the right from February onwards.