If you are granted international protection, you are, when it comes to social security rights, on an equal footing with nationals of the Republic of Slovenia. Funds for the social protection of international protection beneficiaries are provided in accordance with national legislation.
Child benefit
As an international protection beneficiary, you are also entitled to receive child benefit – a supplementary allowance for the maintenance, upbringing and education of a child – which may be claimed by one parent for a child up to the age of 18, provided that the child also meets other conditions under the law governing family benefits. An additional condition laid down in the Parental Protection and Family Benefits Act is the actual residence in the Republic of Slovenia. Entitlement to child benefit is granted for a maximum period of one year and shall cease on the first day of the following month, when the conditions are no longer met. A new application for the entitlement to child benefit shall be submitted in the month in which the right to claim child benefit expires, as shown in the operative part of the decision on the entitlement to child benefit.
The Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities shall pay child benefit no later than on the 15th of each month for the previous month.
You are entitled to apply for child benefit only once; the social work centres shall decide on your further eligibility ex officio.